Weeds With Purple Flowers

22 Weeds With Purple Flowers (Pros, Cons & Identifications)

Weed has been mainly termed as unfavorable as it causes unnecessary blockage in the garden, which further hinders the growth of other plants. However, weeds can grow beautiful flowers that may beautify your garden effortlessly. Purple weed flowers bring colors to your garden with their soft vibrancy.

Spiky Weeds with Purple Flowers

01. Canada Thistle

Canada thistle is a purple-pinkish flower and contains spikes in the flower and leaves too. They look similar to the firecrackers in the sky.

CANADA THISTLE: Spiky weed with purple flowers
AvailabilityEurope, western Asia, Northern Africa
Blooming PeriodBetween July and august
Soil TypeClay to gravely
Plant Details

Pros: They help in the nitrogen fixation process of the soil. Stalks and roots are edible Though people don’t use them frequently.

Cons: They contain a spine that may poke you. But severe toxicity isn’t caused by it.


AvailabilityEurope, Northwestern Asia and North Africa
Blooming PeriodApril to September
Height2 to 11.8 inches
Soil TypeNeutral to acidic
Plant Details

Pros: Treatment of internal and external injuries.

Cons: Geranium Molle may contain some chemical compounds naturally. But none of them are that much harmful that they will cause severe toxicity to the environment and living beings.

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Purple Flower Weed with Spiky Leaves


Scientific NameAJUGA SP.
AvailabilityNorth Carolina
Blooming PeriodBugleweed flower blooms throughout the summer and it extends up to fall
Height6 to 9 inches
Soil TypeBugleweed flower blooms throughout the summer and extends up to fall
Plant Details

Pros: In the medical field the use of bugleweed is highly appreciated.The medicines for insomnia, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and hyperthyroidism.

Cons: It is unsafe to consume bugle weed during pregnancy as it may affect milk production and other hormonal activities.

Weed with Tiny Purple Flower

4. Creeping Charlie

Scientific Nameacidic and humus-rich soil
AvailabilityNorthern Europe and Asia.They grow mostly in China
Blooming PeriodEarly spring and summer
Height2 to 19.7 inches
Soil TypeAcidic and humus-rich soil
Plant Details

Pros: Creeping Charlie is a great source of potassium and iron. It contains some natural chemicals which help to reduce swelling.

Cons: Creeping Charlie is used widely as a medicine but it can cause toxicity if taken more than the required amount. It can cause miscarriage and liver damage for excessive intake.

5. Purple Dead Nettle

Scientific NameLamium purpureum
Availabilitysandy, well-drained soil.It can also survive in clay soil
Blooming PeriodMarch to October
Height5 to 20 cm
Soil Typesandy, well-drained soil. It can also survive in clay soil
Plant Details

Pros: It has anti-inflammatory properties. It also can help you to cure hypertension, paralysis, trauma, fracture, etc. It is great if you have problems with sebaceous secretion.

Cons: It may seem toxic due to its appearance but it doesn’t have any poisonous effect.

Purple Flower with Yellow Center Weed

6. Forget-Me-Nots

Scientific NameMyosotis sylvatica
AvailabilityEngland, Wales, Scotland
Blooming Periodhydrated, moist, and well drained well is great for their growth.
Height5 to 12 inches
Soil Typehydrated, moist, and well-drained well is great for their growth.
Plant Details

Pros: People have been using Myosotis Sylvatica for decorating their homes. Some people prefer to keep the plants in their garden. Again some people love to keep the flowers in the vase to enhance the beauty of the drawing room.

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Cons: As they are nectar-filled flowers, they tend to attract insects, bees, and butterflies. Though it is really great, sometimes an excessive amount of caterpillars can be harmful to your other plants in the garden.

Winter Weed with Purple Flower

7. Sweet Violet

Scientific NameViola odorata
AvailabilityEurope and Asia
Blooming PeriodLate winter to early spring.
Height15 to 20 cm
Soil Typechalk, clay and sand stone
Plant Details

Pros: Sweet violets are used to prepare emollient creams due to their moisturizing properties. In the medical field, they are used in medicines for abdominal pain, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic cases.

To cure joint pain, cough, bronchitis, flu, minor fever, insomnia, headache, and skin issues the usage of sweet violets is mentionable.

Cons: Sweet violets are not harmful if taken properly with a doctor’s guidance.

Spring Weed with Purple Flower

8. Violet Wood Sorrel

 Violet Wood Sorrel
Scientific NameOxalis violacea
Availabilitymid-spring to early summer
Blooming PeriodWood sorrels mostly grow where the pH level is low in the soil. They prefer acidic soil to spread out properly
Height4 to 8 inches
Soil TypeWood sorrels mostly grow where the pH level is low in soil. They prefer acidic soil to spread out properly
Plant Details

Pros: Wood sorrel is used to treat influenza, fever, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, and sprain and even it can cure the poison snake bite.

Cons: Wood sorrels are edible and not dangerous if you cook them after cleaning them properly.

9. Spotted Knapweed

Scientific NameCentaurea maculosa
AvailabilityEastern Europe and United States
Blooming PeriodJune to October
Height20 to 150 cm
Soil TypeEastern Europe and the United States
Plant Details

Pros: They are nutritious and sometimes people use them as livestock food.

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Cons: Though no specific experiment has proven it, touching the flower barehanded is considered toxic.

Weed with Round Purple Flower

10. Henbit Deadnettle

Scientific NameLamium amplexicaule
Availabilitymoist and fertile soil. But they have the ability to adapt to the dry, adverse environment
Blooming PeriodDuring spring and fall
Height6 to 15 inches
Soil Typemoist and fertile soil. But they have the ability to adapt to the dry, adverse environment
Plant Details

Pros: Lamium amplexicaule is full of nutrients. It can provide you with vitamin C, A, iron, calcium, etc. Some of parts of Asia, people use it as herbal tea due to its medicinal properties. For stomach issues, it is also famous to cure.

Cons: If you consume the flower in a huge amount, it may show some stomach issues. But itself it is nontoxic.

11. Musk Thistle

Scientific NameCarduus nutans
AvailabilityEurope, Scotland, Sicilia, Yogoslavia, Ukraine
Blooming PeriodJune to September
Height6 feet
Soil TypeFrom neutral to acidic in all sorts of soil is great for their growth
Plant Details

Pros: Musk thistle is used to purify blood. It has a moisturizing property as it formulates oils rich in linoleic acid.

Cons: Musk thistle is known as invasive as it may cause harm if you touch it carelessly with bare hands.

12. Purpletop Verbena

Purpletop Verbena
Scientific NameVerbena bonariensis
AvailabilitySouth America, North Carolina, Florida, and Texas
Blooming PeriodSouth America, North Carolina, Florida, and texas
Height3 to 6 feet
Soil Typeneutral to clay soil
Plant Details

Pros: They have the ability to attract butterflies and insects to your garden.

Cons: Not toxic to mammals.


Scientific NameVerbena Hastata
AvailabilityColumbia, Canada, New Brunswick, Manitoba
Blooming PeriodJuly to September
Height2 to 6 feet
Soil TypeNeutral to clay
Plant Details

Pros: Blue vervain is widely famous for its medicinal properties. It can cure anxiety, convulsion, infection, and abdominal issues. It is famous in the Sachweketon region of Canada.

Cons: It contains some active ingredients. Consuming without doctors’ consultation can lead you to severe reactions if you are allergic to it.


Scientific NameCirsium Vulgarae
AvailabilityNorth America, Africa and Australia
Blooming PeriodJuly to August
Heightup to 6 feet
Soil Typeneutral to acidic
Plant Details

Pros: Bull thistle can be a great source to maintain good health and can be used to enhance the capacity of the defense mechanism of our body.

Cons: It can sometimes form heavy strands and can inhibit the growth of other plants in your garden. It can sometimes invite mosquitoes if not maintained properly.


Scientific NameAllium SchoenopraSum
AvailabilityMid-spring to early summer
Blooming PeriodMid spring to early summer
Height1 to 2 feet
Soil TypeEurope, Asia, and North America
Plant Details

Pros: Allium schoenoprasum is used in the medical field in preparing supplements. It can help you to attain good health and improve your sleep cycle. It is also famous for being enriched with nutrients that can provide you with a good and strong bone structure. It also contains anti-cancer properties.

Cons: Allium schoenoprasum has no toxicity to mammals. But we should be careful about the doses we take.


Scientific NameSympythum Officinale
AvailabilityUsa and Uk
Blooming Periodmoist soil. It can also survive in the clay soil
Height1 to 5 feet
Soil Typemoist soil.It can also survive in the clay soil
Plant Details

Pros: Comfreys are not traditional foods. But they play a vital role in preparing the medicines. The medicines for the treatment of bone-related issues and painkillers use Comfreys as one of the most important ingredients.

Cons: Without a doctor’s consultation consuming raw Comfreys can be harmful to your health.

Weed with Purple Flower Georgia


Scientific Namefertile and humus-rich moist soil is required for their proper growth
AvailabilityNorthern Asia and Europe
Blooming PeriodEarly spring and summer
Height2 to 19 inches
Soil Typefertile and humus rich moist soil is required for their proper growth
Plant Details

Pros: Ground Ivy helps to treat respiratory diseases. The medicines that help to treat cough, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, and inflammation use ground ivy as a prior ingredient.

Cons: Ground ivy is not toxic to living beings. But you should keep your pets away from it as it may cause stomach issues.


Scientific NameSolanum Sp
AvailabilityAmerica, Australia and Africa
Blooming Periodmid to late summer
Height1 to 3 feet
Soil Typefertile to clay
Plant Details

Pros: Nightshades are entitled to Beta carotene which further helps to meet the demand for nutrients in the absence of tomato intake. Their bright pink color brings variation to your garden during summer.

Cons: There are no toxic elements in nightshades.


Scientific NameLamium purpureum
AvailabilityUSA, Canada, Ireland
Blooming PeriodDuring winter
Height5 to 20 cm
Soil Typewell-drained moist soil. But it can survive in clay soil for a certain period of time
Plant Details

Pros: Lamium purpureum is known as the cure for hypertension, hemorrhage, trauma, and fracture. People usually don’t use it traditionally.

Cons: No toxicity for living beings unless consumed in a huge amount.


Scientific NameLythrum Salicaria
AvailabilityAustralia and Europe
Blooming Periodearly to late summer
Height2 to 4 feet
Soil Typeclay to neutral soil
Plant Details

Pros: They contain chemicals like astringent that further help to cure diseases like diarrhea and inflammation. They also contain tannins and salicarins. Those are mostly known as the well-known astringent.

Cons: You should not consume it during pregnancy and the breastfeeding period.


Scientific NameEastern Europe, can’t, and Mexico
AvailabilityEastern Europe, can’t and Mexico
Blooming Periodduring fall(July to August)
Height2 to 3 feet
Soil Typedry and sterile soil
Plant Details

Pros: Knapweeds are nutritious and most people use them as food for livestock.

Cons: People discourage it as raw food.


Scientific NameVIOLA SP
AvailabilityCanada and New Jersey
Blooming Periodspring and summer
Height5 to 6 feet
Soil Typehumus soil or potting mixture are great for their growth
Plant Details

Pros: People don’t use it traditionally but it has a great use in the medical field. It contains astringent and diuretic properties that help to cure urinary tract issues.

Cons: Excessive growth sometimes causes mismanagement of the garden and invites mosquitoes.

Though there are 22 types of purple weeds there are many weeds that show some pinkish, purple color. Some of them are invasive. Again, some of them play a vital role in the medical field. Having proper knowledge about weeds can help you to have the best usage out of it.

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