Corn Gluten Meal Control Weeds

Using Corn Gluten for Weed Control – Does It Work?

Are you looking for natural herbicides for weed control? Then, corn gluten can be the best match for your seeking requirements. We are here to inform you all the pieces of information that you should know before using it on your lawn.

Organic solutions are always on the prior list over any chemical uses. Corn gluten is a natural herbicide that totally intrinsic to the garden. The components of it not only control the weeds but also prevent them from germinating. If no germination takes effect, no seeds are produced. so, you can enjoy your weed-free garden.

One thing you should remember is that it does not eliminate the existing weeds but prevents the future growth of weed plants.

In this article, we talk about the impacts, uses, product working, using methods of this corn meal. Stay with us through this whole writing and grab the information you need.

What Is It?

Corn gluten is an organic herbicide that was introduced in the early 1900s by Dr. Nick Christians at Lowa State University. while he was working on golf putting greens meanwhile digging up with this product with herbicidal qualities. It contains 60% protein and 10% nitrogen by weight. It is not the same with corn meal. It is always leveled in pre-emergent herbicide which differentiates it from the animal corn meal. This powdery by-product is used for hog feed and control of crabgrass and lawn weeds.

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Benefits Of Corn Gluten

This meal has significant reap benefits on the ecosystem of the garden or lawn. It is used to control the weed plants throughout all summer long, the germinating period. The other conveniences are:

  • This will not alter the PH level of the soil.
  • It is effective for most types of weed ( not all).
  • This causes the roots of the weed plants to stop developing.
  • It can be used without any risk.
  • It is safe for grass and does not harm any existing lawn grass.
  • It is an environmentally friendly product.

Cons Of Corn Gluten

  • It is an expensive product that is sometimes out of budget.
  • If anyone has an allergy problem then it can enhance it while using in the field.
  • This is not 100% effective.
  • It slowly decomposes with the soil and works unhurriedly.

How Does Corn Gluten Meal Kill Weeds?

The killing process of the weeds is dependent on some factors such as the soil type, state of the climate, weed species, and germinating season. It is a long time process. It takes 5-6 weeks to work on progress. It prevents the germination procedure before the seeds are produced. When the seeds grow with root, it only prevents the root from expanding. Roots when cease to develop, the plants are automatically killed. This herbicide prevents the growth of weed plants in your garden and gives you a weed-free lawn. 

When To Apply Corn Gluten?

The perfect time for corn gluten application to the weed plants is before the germination process takes place. Most of the weed seeds are produced and saplings from spring to fall. Different species are blooming in different seasons. It is a tricky method to apply it in the garden. If you apply very early the effectiveness may limited or apply very late then the nitrogen can grow faster. You must apply it in dry weather. Much rainfall or water can reduce the effectiveness of its components. So, using it at the right time ensures the prevention of the plants. Otherwise, it can not be effective that much.

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When To Apply Corn Gluten To Lawn In Ontario?

Initially, the Upper Canada was called Ontario. The summer season is started from June to August or September. At this time the temperature gets a high degree and not much rainfall occurs. The perfect timing for the application is late August to early September. The lawn remains dry and corn gluten stays without mixing with excess water and has an effect to control the weed grass.

How To Use Corn Gluten For Weed Control?

The research of Dr. Nick Christians shows that it should apply at the rate of 20 pounds for 1000 square feet of lawn. The more you apply it the more it is effective. It needs to be applied thickly. This is an expensive product to buy so the cost will get you about 90% control of the weeds plants. But this gives no guarantee for the cost. It must remain dry for the next 7 days after applying it. The moistness or excess water reduces its thickness and herbicidal qualities. It remains in the soil for 5-6 weeks and causes effects to the soil as well as to the weed plants. Provided that it must persist in being dry for the microbes from discomposing it.

Is It Safe for Grass?

Corn gluten meal is a natural fertilizer for other grass and herbicides for lawn weeds. It is safe for any of the other types of grasses in the garden. But when it is about crabgrass then it contains harmful effects for them. It should not be used when your yard is ready for germinating other lawn grasses.

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Does It Work Effectively?

The work rate is varied by the species, application rate, and time.  At a low rate, some weeds had no effect but at a high rate, most of them had a significant effect. The more corn gluten used in gardens contains more nitrogen which reverts into nitrates that can go through the ground and affect the root development. Though it does not work 100% it can control the growth of a vast portion which is significant.

The Bottom Line

For a crowd-out weeds lawn, corn gluten meals have a great enhancement in preventing the outgrowth. When you overseed your lawn, try not to apply it at that time. It can do harm to the germinating grasses. We tried to give you the more information you need to know about the work rate of corn gluten meal as a herbicide to control lawn weeds. We assume that it will surely satisfy your needs.

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